Clara Choi

Oh dear me

Posted by Clara Choi on May 23, 2012 0 Comments

Oh my, so I have this thing call a sleeping problem, and this thing call a concentration problem.

I can't really work in the afternoon, waking up in the morning, or sleep at night. As such lately, everyone (including myself) is kinda upset at my work/sleep/play hours.

^-- is due to my years of procrastination, I have done almost all important work during the night, talked to people during the afternoon, and, pretty has never been not a zombie in the morning. I slept whenever I can, and not really on a regular schedule. 

Then again, looking back, life has never been regular ever, it was "more" regular at one point. So the new problem is just sleeping soundly,

So time to try yet another schedule, 10am to 3pm work days, nap time, go home and code at 11pm to 3/4am, and then sleep?

Somehow I feel like this is somewhat psychological, as if I don't want to be serious about it, or there's some more control issues. Don't know. But either way. I need to stop acting like a little child...

This editor makes me want to kill someone, why can't this be a git repo, and I push to you.

Fedex day project? lol

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