Clara Choi

RTFM – dircolors / lscolor /LS_Colors [mac]

Posted by Clara Choi on February 17, 2012 0 Comments
Pretty colors  for folders when you type “ls” for mac osx terminal [as of os 10.6], you do not need to install anything…! (Damn people who tells me to install more gnu utilities… it is just different from linux in that it is LSCOLORS instead of LS_COLORS)

all you need to do is add a few lines to ur “.*rc” … first find the color you want…  here’s a good visual aid

The man page of “ls” explains this much better and in details.. but add:

export LSCOLORS=xxxxxxxx <– where xxxx is the BSD colors you just picked…

export CLICOLOR=1 <– To tell “ls” that you really really want colors…

Thank you wuhrr

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